Terre des hommes (?): New Eldorado

A documentary by Tibor Kocsis on gold mining and landscape destruction in Rosia Montana

22 october 2021 18:30 - 20:00

Location: Díszterem

Guest of the evening: Tibor Kocsis filmdirector

There is a wonderful village. It's called Rosia Montana (Verespatak). With several hundred-year-old houses. People who stick by their land, house, churches, dead relations. The surrounding mountains contain 300 tons of gold and silver. Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, a Canadian-Romanian company wants to open a goldmine here. State-of-the-art technology. Open cast mining. People are being moved into new, modern houses. Their former homes are to be destroyed. There will be gold. There will be silver. This will be a new Eldorado. A remarkable offer. There will also be an 800-hectare cyanide waste reservoir with a 180-meter-high dam. Only this beautiful village, Rosia Montana will disappear from the face of the Earth.

Director: Tibor Kocsis
»Apr. 23. – Tuesday«
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