This Spring, Urania invites its audiences to a thrilling film/music adventure. From the end of February till the end of April, ie. the Hungarian Film Day on April 30th, the National Film Theatre is focusing on the invisible, but all the more importand audible dimension of cinema. Heritage screenings, Q&As and live music events aim to celebrate the diversity of approaches and styles of fim/music. Historically, the program covers a time span of 110 years – both beginning and ending with early cinema rarities from 1914. Besides Hungarian film classics, international productions with memorable scores, some of them written by Hungarian emigrants such as Miklós Rózsa, György Ligeti and Joseph Kosma, will be shown.
Hungarian titles will be screened in Hungarian only, foreign productions in the original language with Hungarian subtitles. The language of the Q&As is Hungarian.
February 27, Tuesday
6 pm A tolonc/ The Undesirable (12)
Hungarian movie, restored version, 1914, dir.: Mihály Kertész, 74'
Guest: Attila Pacsay – composer
7.45 pm Semmelweis (12)
Hungarian movie, 2023, dir.: Lajos Koltai, 127'
Guest: Attila Pacsay – composer
March 1, Friday
5 pm Meseautó / Car of Dreams (KN) – with newly restored sound!
Hungarian comedy, 1934, dir.: Béla Gaál, score: Alfréd Márkus, 89'
Guest: Dániel Bőhm – sound designer/restorer
March 4, Monday
5.45 pm 3:1 a szerelem javára – POSTPONED TO April 3rd, 2024
March 8, Friday
6 pm Csendes otthon / A Quiet Home (6)
Hungarian comedy, 1957, dir.: Frigyes Bán, score: Szabolcs Fényes, 85'
March 10, Sunday
Academy Award Nominees - FILM/MUSIC selection
1.30 pm Megfojtott virágok / Killers of the Flower Moon (16)
4 pm Oppenheimer (16)
7.30 pm Érdekvédelmi terület / Zone of Interest (16)
7.30 pm Szegény párák / Poor Things (18)
March11, Monday
6 pm Sodrásban / Current (12)
Hungarian movie, 1964, dir.: István Gaál, score: András Szőllősy, 90'
March 12, Tuesday
7.30 pm Lefkovicsék gyászolnak / All About the Levkoviches (12) – Q&A
Hungarian dramedy, 2024, dir.: Ádám Breier, score: Albert Márkos, 85'
Guests: Ádám Breier, Rudolf Várhegyi sound designer, Albert Márkos and fellow musicians Ádám Jávorka & Ádám Móser
March 13, Wednesday
7 pm A nagy ábránd / La grande illusion
French movie, 1937, dir.: Jean Renoir, score: Joseph Kosma, 114’
March 14, Thursday
6 pm Hattyúdal / Swan Song (12)
Hungarian movie, 1963, dir.: Márton Keleti, score: György Ránki, 96'
March 16, Saturday
5 pm Még kér a nép / Red Psalm (16)
Hungarian movie, 1971, dir.: Miklós Jancsó, score: Tamás Cseh, Ferenc Sebő, 87'
March 20, Wednesday
6 pm Az oroszlán ugrani készül / The Lion is Ready to Jump (12)
Hungarian comedy, 1969, dir.: György Révész, score: Levente Szörényi, 81'
March 21, Thursday
6 pm Szikrázó lányok (12)
Hungarian musical, 1974, dir.: Péter Bacsó, score: György Vukán, 92'
March 24, Sunday
7 pm Ajándék ez a nap / A Priceless Day (16)
Hungarian movie, 1979, dir.: Péter Gothár, score: György Selmeczi, 92'
March 26, Tuesday
7.30 pm Kék Pelikan / Pelikan Blue (16) - Q&A
Hungarian animated docimentary, dir: László Csáki, 79'
Guests: Ambrus Tövisházi and Miklós Preiszner composers & Tamás Zányi sound designer
March 27, Wednesday
7.30 pm The Golden Age of Hungarian Cinema - Hot Jazz Band concert
Narrator: Márton Kurutz
March 28, Thursday
7 pm Elbűvölve / Spellbound
psychological thriller, USA, 1945, dir.: Alfred Hitchcock, score: Miklós Rózsa, 111’
March 31, Sunday
5 pm Ifjúság / Youth (12)
Italian-French movie, 2015, dir.: Paolo Sorrentino, score: David Lang, 124'
April 1, Monday
7 pm A Fabelman család / The Fabelmans (12)
drama, USA, 2022, dir.: Steven Spielberg, score: John Williams, 151'
April 3, Wednesday
7 pm 3:1 a szerelem javára
Hungarian comedy, 1937, dir.: János Vaszary, score: Pál Ábrahám, 84'
35 mm print screening
Guest: Márton Kurutz - film historian
8.30 pm Habfürdő / Foam Bath (12)
Hungarian animated feature, 1979, dir.: György Kovásznai, score: János Másik, 79’
April 4, Thursday
7.30 pm Manta Ray (12) - magyarhangya sound design series
Thai-French-Chinese drama, 2018, dir.: Phuttiphong Aroonpheng, score: Mathieu Gabry, Christine Ott, 105'
April 6, Saturday
5 pm Sose halunk meg / We Neves Die (12)
Hungarian comedy, 1993, dir.: Róbert Koltai, score: László Dés, 95'
April 10, Wednesday
7.30 pm 2001: Űrodüsszeia / 2001: Space Odyssey (12)
sci-fi, USA, 1968, dir.: Stanley Kubrick, score: György Ligeti, 141'
April 11, Thursday
7.30 pm Monos (16) - magyarhangya sound design series
Colombian-Argentinian-Dutch-German-Swedish-Uruguayan thriller/drama, 2019, dir.: Alejandro Landes, score: Mica Levi, 102'
April 14, Sunday
7 pm Kutya éji dala / The Dog's Night Song (16)
Hungarian movie, 1983, dir.: Gábor Bódy, score: László Vidovszky, bands appearing: Vágtázó Halottkémek, A. E. Bizottság, 140'
April 15, Monday
7.30 pm Werckmeister harmóniák / Werckmewister Harmonies (16)
Hungarian-German-French-Italian drama, 2000, dir.: Béla Tarr, score: Mihály Víg, 145’
April 17, Wednesday
7 pm Táncos a sötétben / Dancer in the Dark (16)
musical drama, 2000, dir.: Lars von Trier, score: Björk, 140'
April 19, Friday
8 pm Johanna (18)
Hungarian opera movie, 2005, dir.: Kornél Mundruczó, score: Zsófia Tallér, 90'
April 20, Saturday
4 pm Ennio Morricone / Ennio (12)
Italian documentary, 2021, dir.: Giuseppe Tornatore, 156’
April 21, Sunday
5 pm Samsara (12) - magyarhangya sound design series
Spanisch feature, 2023, dir.: Lois Patino, sound design: Xabier Erkizia, 118'
7 pm Annette (16)
musical drama, Frence/USA/Mexico, 2021, dir.: Leos Carax, score: Ron és Russell Mael, 139'
April 23, Tuesday
7.30 pm Testről és lélekről / On Body and Soul (16)
Hungarian movie, 2017, dir.: Ildikó Enyedi, score: Ádám Balázs, 116'
April 24, Wednesday
7 pm Two movies by Péter Forgács
Dusi és Jenő / Dusi and Jeno - 1989, score: Tibor Szemző, 54'
Miss Universe 1929 - Lisl Goldarbeiter - a Szépség útja - 2006, score: László Melis, 65'
Guest: Péter Forgács
April 26, Friday
8 pm Birdman (16)
American comedy, 2014, director: Alejandro González Inárritu, music: Antonio Sánchez, 119'
April 27, Saturday
7 pm Tár (16)
drama, USA, 2022, dir.: Todd Field, score: Hildur Gudnadottir, 158'
April 29, Monday
6 pm UNDISTURBED / Hommage à ÚZS
musical documentary, 2023, dir.: Éva M Tóth, 60'
The screening is part of MMA's Hungarian Film Day program, admission is free.
You can redister by filling the form on the program page.
Special guest: Éva M Tóth
8 pm Critical Zone (18) - magyarhangya sound design series
Iranian drama, 2023, dir.: Ali Ahmadzadeh, score: Milad Movahedi, sound design: Hassan Mahdavi, 99'
April 30, Tuesday – Hungarian Film Day
7.30 pm FILMCONCERT – Silent films accompanied by live music
Munkászubbony / The Workman’s Overall – 1914, dir.: István Bródy, 42'- accompanied on the piano by Norbert Káel
Dódi karrierje - 1914, dir.: Bródy István, 52'- accompanied on the accordion by Ádám Szabó
The series is supported by the National Cultural Fund.
Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | Su |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1 | 2 |
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10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Pénztárnyitás: az első előadás előtt 30 perccel.
Pénztárzárás: az utolsó előadás kezdetét követően 15 perccel.
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1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 21.
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